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Bible Tribes

Over 4000 years ago, Abraham was called to the top of a mountain. There, he was told that his heirs would eventually inherit the whole world and even the stars in the sky. Figuring out how this promise works out across history is the riddle of finding the lost tribes of ancient Israel. This Bible Tribes project uses time and the signing dates of modern national documents to discover where each of those tribes are located in the world today.

Seal Date Theory

Articles in this section deal with the chronological theory of the seal dates.

  • Using Seal Dates

    Revelation 7 reveals the process of finding each lost tribe of Israel. The number of days between document signings in each modern tribe is given as 12,000 days. This article explores. (2,290 words)

  • How the shape of a Seal sets the chronology

    Seals are placed in the middle of rolled scrolls. They naturally fall in the middle of any document. Converting a "seal" to time suggest each seal is in the middle of a 12,000 day period, with 6,000 days on either side. (1,117 words)

  • Psalms Confirmation

    So far, we have shown how the various seal dates spread across history, and we have hinted at how they will match to headlines that identify the Lost Tribes of Ancient Israel. Before going that far, we stop and look at an internal match between those Seal Dates and the Psalms. (1,918 words)

  • Documents

    So what remains of the seal date strategy is to go find the documents. These should be documents signed by modern nations, so treaties or laws, that mark them as lost tribes. This article names those documents. (675 words)


This section surveys the various covenants. These become the basis for promises given to patriarchs and then passed by inheritance into the modern era and modern nations.

  • Introduction to Bible Covenants

    The Old Testament is often linked to the Old Covenant. This is a simplification of a complex topic. The Old Testament contains several covenants, some still binding now, some not. (716 words)

  • Abraham’s Covenants

    The Covenant God made with Abraham begins a series of covenants that impact all of world history even to modern times. The details of that covenant matter. This article tracks each promise leading to the covenant God made with Abraham. (1,538 words)

  • Isaac

    At Isaac generation no new items are added to Abraham's Covenant. It is, though confirmed as having passed to him. (347 words)

  • Jacob

    Jacob's generation sees no new items are added to Abraham's Covenant. It does, though, get confirmed. It also sees certain elaborating words, such as North, South, East and West and Community of Nations. (564 words)

  • Jacob's Sons Covenants

    Jacob fathers 12 sons. Those sons also participate in Abraham's covenant but they do not all claim the entire covenant. Certain pieces of the covenant move to certain sons. When we eventually do find each tribe, those tribes will be holding certain national components of Abraham's covenant. This article explores which promises land on which sons. (1,550 words)

  • Mosaic Or Sinai Covenant

    The Sinai covenant was far more extensive than the covenant God made with Abraham. At Sinai a formal priesthood, government and set of national laws were put in place. The potential for more material well being was introduced and some specific punishments for disobedience were included in the covenant. Those punishments dealt with time. (937 words)

  • Davidic Covenant

    The Davidic Covenant is curious because of the unconditional nature of the covenant. Almost nowhere in the Christian world does anyone hunt down the people currently holding the covenant. This is a shame since it helps unravel other mysteries of the Bible. (334 words)

  • Civil War in Rehoboam's Reign

    The civil war in Rehoboam's reign divided the kingdom in two. This was the result of breaking the Sinai Covenant. It also split apart the various holders of promises still binding on ancient Israel from Abraham's time. (1,174 words)

  • Seven Times Of Trouble

    The period of punishment began with the split of the ancient nation of Israel into two nations. That point is well known and is the start of a very specific period of 2550 years. That period lasted into the late 1500s. (596 words)


Spread across the entire text of the Bible are a series of stories that list 12 or 13 things. These lists invariably map to the 12 (or 13) tribes. This section lists as many of those stories as we could find.

  • Master Tribal Grid

    Many places in the text provide lists of 7 or 12 things. Those lists often map to the tribes. The following table shows many of those lists and the matched tribes. (1,337 words)

  • Holidays

    Each tribe has a holiday (holy day) on the annual calendar. The following table explores. (725 words)

  • Plagues

    The plagues on Egypt are traditionally thought to be ten, but they map the 13 tribes when we share the wind/locust plague with two tribes and add the plundering of Egypt of gold and silver and the drowning of the Egyptian army in the Red Sea. The following table explores. (819 words)

  • 10 Commandments

    The "10 Commandments" map to the 13 tribes. The map is possible when the opening thought for the commandments is given to the first tribe and the commandments with a double "thou shalt not" (2 & 10) are shared. The following table explores. (985 words)

  • Tent

    Exodus chapters 36 through 39 list the items of the Tent that Oholiab and team built. The following table maps those items to the tribes. (735 words)

  • Atonement

    The description of how the priest is to atone for himself and the nation at large is given in Leviticus 16. The process is quite complex and follows 13 steps which map to the tribes. Each step in the ritual, then, acts out or reveals the main aspect of that tribe. What better way to atone for each of the tribes. (1,547 words)

  • Battles

    12 distinct battles to take Canaan are recorded in Joshua. These map to the 13 tribes where the last battle is given to Benjamin and Dan. (788 words)

  • Judges

    The judges in the book of Judges map to the tribes of Israel. (1,136 words)

  • Elijah

    The stories of Elijah run the 13 tribes of Israel. (976 words)

  • Elisha

    The stories of Elisha run the 13 tribes of Israel. There's some interesting correspondence back to Elijah. (835 words)

  • The Righteous Man

    Ezekiel 18 lists the characteristics of a righteous man. Each characteristic maps to the tribes. (789 words)

  • Isaiah's Leaders

    Isaiah 3's leaders also follow the tribes. (171 words)

  • Isaiah's Towns

    Isaiah 10 talks about a list of places the Assyrian army went in route to Jerusalem where they were finally defeated by the angel of god. There are 13 places they made it to, before being turned back. (439 words)

  • Isaiah's Animals

    Isaiah 11 talks about a list of animals hanging together that would not normally. Once again, this list, as so many others, is a list of 13 that map to the tribes. (496 words)

  • Nehemiah's City Gates

    The book of Nehemiah describes 12 unique gates around the city of Jerusalem. We know from Revelation 21 that each tribe has a specific gate into the city. The following table shows how the gates given in order of appearance in Nehemiah 3 and 12 map to the tribes. (788 words)

  • The 12 Apostles

    The 12 apostles are commonly thought to map to the 12 tribes of Israel, and rightfully so. The challenge is figuring out how they map since the Gospels list the apostles in different orders at different times. (428 words)

  • Gifts and Body

    First Corinthians 12 talks about spiritual gifts and the parts of the Body of Christ. The context assumes the gifts map to the parts, but it is not easy to see how. (1,927 words)

  • Love

    First Corinthians chapter 13 is a well known passage defining love. There are 13 distinct aspects of love given in the passage, mapping 1 to 1 with the 13 tribes. (659 words)

  • Fruits of the Flesh/Spirit

    Galatians chapter 5 lists the fruits of the flesh and the fruits of the Spirit. Together the lists run the tribes twice, giving 2 views to the tribes. (1,465 words)

  • Hebrews Hall Of Faith

    Hebrews 11, "The Hall of Faith," maps to the 13 tribes. (1,620 words)

  • By Law

    First Timothy lists the types of people the law is for. This is another list that maps to the tribes. (551 words)

  • Living Sacrifice

    Romans 12 says to present yourself as a living sacrifice. This, of course, also maps to the tribes. (512 words)

  • Elders & Deacons

    Two passages of Scripture provide prerequisites for serving as a "Elder" or a "Deacon." There are also prerequisites. Of course these lists also map to the tribes. (904 words)

  • Prayer for the Colossians

    Paul offers a prayer for the "holy brothers and believers in Jesus" who are at Colosse. The items in the prayer map to the 13 tribes. (1,099 words)

  • Jesus Is

    After offering prayer for the Colossians, Paul describes 13 aspects of Jesus that, of course, run the 13 tribes. (942 words)

  • Members of Land and Skies

    Colossians 3 has two lists that align. The first list describes 13 patterns of sin. The second list describes 13 new patterns to adopt to overcome the first. Both lists map to the 13 tribes, revealing specific areas of weakness and strength in each tribe. (1,483 words)

  • Colossians Greetings

    The letter to the Colossians ends with news about folks and what they are doing and greetings. Normally this boilerplate passage does not hold a lot of obvious value for Bible study, but this list of names maps to the 13 tribes, unlocking some meaning that's otherwise not accessible. In particular, many of these names occur elsewhere in the Bible, in stories that may turn out to have tribal significance after learning this map at the end of Colossians. (2,041 words)

  • Books

    The 13 tribes map to the 66 books of the Protestant Bible. Since 13 does not divide evenly, there must be a trick. There is. This article explores. (1,449 words)

Tribe Of Dan

The following articles deal with the tribe of Dan.

  • Dan By Seal Date

    Using the Dan seal date, the Lost Tribe of Dan can be identified as the modern Netherlands. This article explores. (549 words)

  • Dan By Signs

    This article explores how to identify the Lost Tribe of Dan using signs. This done primarily through Jacob's blessing over Dan where he will judge his brothers. (734 words)

  • Dan Maps

    The Lost Tribe of Dan includes several other modern nations. The following estimates the extent of the Lost Tribe of Dan in the world today. (260 words)

  • ICC and World Court

    The Lost Tribe of Dan hosts the International Criminal Court and World Court. These are the tribe of Dan's international organizations. (477 words)

Tribe Of Judah

The follow articles deal with the Tribe of Judah.

  • Judah Seal Date

    Using the Judah seal date, the Lost Tribe of Judah can be identified as modern Russia. (645 words)

  • Judah By Signs

    This article explores how to identify the Lost Tribe of Judah using signs. The first is by understanding Roman history. The second is by looking at Jacob's blessings over Judah. (1,052 words)

  • Christianity In Russia 1000 Years

    Understanding Russia's history with Christianity is important to understanding her prophetic place in future history. Her conversion to Christianity was dated and that date patterns the fall of the USSR in 1991. English readers, especially have no idea of this bit of Russian history. (1,086 words)

  • The Primary Russian Chronicle

    The following is a translation and excerpt from the Primary Russian Chronicle. It tells the story of the conversion of the Russian peoples to Christianity around the year 1000. (2,975 words)

  • Map Of Judah

    The follow shows the modern extent of the tribe of Judah. (361 words)

  • Commonwealth of Independent States

    The Tribe of Judah currently hosts the Commonwealth of Independent States. Formerly it hosted the Communist International which was the mother organization for most communist organizations around the world. (190 words)

Tribe Of Reuben

The follow articles deal with the Tribe of Reuben.

  • Reuben By Seal Date

    The Lost Tribe of Reuben became modern Scandinavia. (307 words)

  • Reuben By Signs

    This article explains how to identify the Lost Tribe of Reuben using signs. They became Vikings and later modern Scandinavia. (611 words)

  • Reuben Map

    The Lost Tribe of Reuben includes several nations. The following shows the extent of Reuben in the world today. (328 words)

  • Nobel Foundation

    The Lost Tribe of Reuben international organization is the Nobel Foundation. (227 words)

Tribe Of Gad

The following articles deal with the tribe of Gad.

  • Gad By Seal Date

    Identifying the Lost Tribe of Gad using Gad's Seal Date. Gad is the modern nations of Spain, Portugal and Italy, as well as their colonies. (183 words)

  • Gad By Signs

    The Lost Tribe of Gad can be identified by signs. This could have been done without the use of a seal date. (194 words)

  • Gad Maps

    The Lost Tribe of Gad spreads across much of the global south. The following shows the extent of the Lost Tribe of Gad in the world today. (464 words)

  • Catholic Church

    The Lost Tribe of Gad is the home for the Roman Catholic Church. This is the primary international organization for Gad. (169 words)

Tribe Of Asher

The following articles deal with the tribe of Asher.

  • Asher By Seal Date

    Identifying the Lost Tribe of Asher using Asher's Seal Date. The Lost Tribe of Asher is modern Austria and all other affiliated countries. (236 words)

  • Asher By Signs

    There are two subtle ways identify Asher in the modern world. The first is by name. The second is by looking for oil. This article explores. (470 words)

  • Asher Maps

    The extent of Asher in the world is fairly limited. Though the Habsburgs controlled much of Europe in history, the remaining nations that link to Asher is limited. This article explores. (347 words)

  • Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries

    Asher's main international organization is OPEC. Based in Vienna, Austria. It exports a significant portion of the oil used in the world. (209 words)

Tribe Of Naphtali

The following articles deal with the tribe of Naphtali.

  • Naphtali Seal Date

    Using the Naphtali seal date, the Lost Tribe of Naphtali can be identified as modern Germany. (440 words)

  • Naphtali By Signs

    This article explores how to identify the lost tribe of Naphtali using signs. The primary way is to understand a feature of the German language, and how it is called out prophetically in the text. (356 words)

  • Naphtali Map

    This article deals with the limited map of Naphtali, Germany itself. (111 words)

  • Europe

    Though Naphtali had not colonial empire, it appears the current European Union could be their colonies. The Council of Europe is their international organization. This article explores (215 words)

Tribe Of Manasseh

The following articles deal with the tribe of Manasseh.

  • Manasseh By Seal Date

    Using the Manasseh seal date, the Lost Tribe of Manasseh can be identified as The United States. (799 words)

  • Manasseh By Signs

    This article explores how to identify the lost tribe of Manasseh using various signs. The primary way is through physical abundance. (1,151 words)

  • Manasseh Map

    This article deals with the map of Manasseh. This includes the United States itself, and current and former colonies. (280 words)

  • United Nations

    The United Nations is the international organization of Manasseh. This organization represents the whole world which is a characteristic of Manasseh itself. (529 words)

  • King Manasseh

    The tribe of Manasseh is unique in that there is also a Jerusalem King with the same name. That king's reign has several features that seem to apply to the future of the USA. (893 words)

The Tribe of Simeon

The following articles deal with the tribe of Simeon.

  • Simeon By Seal Date

    Using the Simeon seal date, the Lost Tribe of Simeon can be identified as modern France and all affiliated countries. This article explores. (409 words)

  • Simeon By Signs

    This article explores how to identify the Lost Tribe of Simeon by signs. This is primarily through the French Revolution and how it caused the scattering of French colonies into other countries. (563 words)

  • Simeon Maps

    The Lost Tribe of Simeon spreads out across various former colonies. This article estimates the extent of the Lost Tribe of Simeon in the world today. (402 words)

  • The Francophonie

    The Lost Tribe of Simeon hosts The Francophonie. This international organization involves places with French speakers that are usually within larger countries. This matches the scattered nature of Simeon. (353 words)

Tribe Of Levi

The following articles deal with the tribe of Levi.

  • Levi By Modern Name

    Levi is perhaps the easiest modern nation to identify, it retains a legal name that matches her ancient tribe. (216 words)

  • Levi By Signs

    This article explains how to identify the lost tribe of Levi using signs. This includes the Swiss Guards, national neutrality and traditional industries like clock making. (909 words)

  • Levi By Seal Date

    This article explores the issue of identifying Levi by seal date. The national document identifies 5 city states in China including Hong King as city states matched to Levi. The rest of the clues point at Switzerland. (908 words)

  • Levi Maps

    This article explores the extent of the lost tribe of Levi. (129 words)

  • Bank of International Settlements

    The Bank of International Settlements is at least 1 of Levi's international organizations. (366 words)

  • Inter-Parliamentary Union

    The Inter-Parliamentary Union is at least 1 of Levi's international organizations. (203 words)

  • World Economic Forum

    The World Economic Forum is yet another of Levi's international organizations. This one not so friendly. (526 words)

Tribe Of Issachar

The following articles deal with the tribe of Issachar.

  • Issachar By Seal

    This article explains how to find the lost tribe of Issachar using a seal date. Using this strategy, the former nation of Yugoslavia is identified. (745 words)

  • Issachar By Signs

    This article explores how to identify the lost tribe of Issachar by signs. This is based on Jacob's strange blessing over Issachar. (451 words)

  • Issachar Maps

    The lost tribe of Issachar includes several countries located in the Balkans. The following estimates the extent of Issachar in the world today. (183 words)

  • Non-Aligned Movement

    The lost tribe of Issachar is the host of the Non-Aligned Movement. This is Issachar's international organization. (431 words)

Tribe Of Zebulun

The following articles deal with the tribe of Zebulun.

  • Zebulun By Seal Date

    Using the Zebulun seal date, the lost tribe of Zebulun can be identified as the modern nation of Greece. This article explores. (515 words)

  • Zebulun By Signs

    This article explores how to identify the lost tribe of Zebulun using signs. This is done primarily through Jacob's blessing where he indicates Zebulun will be a haven for ships. (305 words)

  • Zebulun Maps

    The lost tribe of Zebulun is relatively small, and includes only 2 modern nations. (116 words)

  • International Olympic Committee

    The lost tribe of Zebulun counts the International Olympic Committee as its international organization. The games having origin in ancient Greece. (362 words)

Tribe Of Joseph

Joseph was written out of Jacob's family in favor of his 2 sons. Yet Joseph is named in the seal date of Revelation 7. This article explains what this means.

Tribe Of Ephraim

The following articles deal with the tribe of Ephraim. This was one of the 2 sons of Joseph and became a tribe in his own right.

  • Ephraim By Seal Date

    Using the Joseph seal date, the lost tribe of Ephraim can be identified as the modern UK. This is complex, as this article explains, because the date also involves the modern USA. (1,866 words)

  • Ephraim By Sign

    This article explores how to identify the lost tribe of Ephraim by signs. This is complex because Ephraim is part of Joseph. So Ephraim is paired in man ways with Manasseh. (221 words)

  • Ephraim Map

    The lost tribe of Ephraim includes many other modern nations. The following estimates the extent of Ephraim in the world today. (329 words)

  • British Commonwealth

    The British Commonwealth is the international organization of the lost tribe of Joseph. More specifically, of Ephraim. (312 words)

Tribe Of Benjamin

The following articles deal with the tribe of Benjamin.

  • Benjamin By Seal Date

    Using the Benjamin seal date the lost tribe of Benjamin can be identified as the modern nation of Israel. This article explores. (254 words)

  • Benjamin By Signs

    This article explores how to identify the lost tribe of Benjamin using signs. This is done in part through Jacob's blessing over Benjamin. (448 words)

  • Gibeah Genocide

    The last 3 chapters in the Book of Judges tell the story of the genocide of the Benjamin. Those chapters explain a unique tribal injury that marks the tribe, both across the rest of the Bible and eventually into modern Israel. (1,969 words)

  • Ahijah's Prophecy

    The Prophet Ahijah gave future king Jeroboam a prophecy about his future kingdom. There is an apparent math error in that story. In that often overlooked detail, Ahijah is telling us something very important about the tribe of Benjamin. (2,093 words)

  • Benjamin Maps

    The lost tribe of Benjamin is limited to the modern nation of Israel. The following estimates the extent of Benjamin in the world today. (215 words)

  • World Zionist Organization

    The lost tribe of Benjamin hosts the World Zionist Organization. This is Benjamin's international organization. (316 words)

  • Misconceptions On Israel

    There are a bunch of misconceptions surrounding modern Israel. These ideas are easier to sort out once modern Israel is identified as the lost tribe of Benjamin. Read on for more (878 words)

  • About

    The purpose of this website is to explain the modern identities of the lost tribes of ancient Israel. Our intent is to use an evidence based approach. This includes using mathematics for time based identification. It also means using careful Bible studies that grid the tribes in various ways. (318 words)

  • Contact

    Contact us in the following ways. (159 words)

  • Share

    Share this website with this QR Code. (91 words)

  • Index to Scripture References

    This page lists all the scripture references on the website. Sorted by Bible books. (108 words)

  • Site Map

    Use this list of chapters and articles to manage a complete read of everything here. This is listed in normal reading order. (109 words)